The IEC (Institute for Exceptional Care) 2023-24 Impact Report
By Hoangmai (Mai) H. Pham
IEC (Institute for Exceptional Care) is a nonprofit committed to making healthcare better for people with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities (IDD) so they can live life to the fullest. IEC is a unique organization in bringing a combination of nationally recognized healthcare policy, insurance, and care delivery experience and lived experience of supporting loved ones with IDD. In four short years, IEC has nurtured deep relationships with the IDD community and built a reputation for effectively bringing together healthcare leaders, self-advocates, and care partners/givers to collaboratively make change.
“IEC has nurtured deep relationships with the IDD community and built a reputation for effectively bringing together healthcare leaders, self-advocates, and care partners/givers.”
IEC focuses on changing how healthcare is taught, delivered, and paid for. Its projects drive culture change and training to better prepare the clinical workforce. It produces tools and best practices to improve models of care, and builds consensus on how to identify the IDD population and measure the health outcomes that matter most to the community to inform the design of coverage and payment approaches. Self-advocates and care partners/givers contribute to every IEC project, where they can influence healthcare decision-makers such as executives from federal and state agencies, insurance companies, clinical practices, research groups, and national bodies representing clinicians and clinical training programs.
IEC proudly partners with and promotes sister disability organizations such as PAOH (Parents & Advocates for Optimal Health), AADMD (The American Academy of Developmental Medicine & Dentistry), and DDNA (Developmental Disabilities Nurses Association).
About the Author
Hoangmai (Mai) H. Pham is the President and CEO of IEC (Institute for Exceptional Care).