Our Team


Editor-in-Chief Rick Rader, MD, FAAIDD, FAADM, DHL (hon)

Sr. Managing Editor & Social Media Director Vanessa B. Ira, MA

Sr. Editor, Special Projects Steven Perlman, DDS, MScD, DHL (hon)

Meet HELEN Journal’s Newest Editors:


Conscience of the Field Editor David Ervin, BSc, MA, FAAIDD

‘Annie’s Page’ Editor Craig Escudé, MD, FAAFP, FAADM

Co-Editor of Global Health Seth Keller, MD

Co-Editor of Global Health Vincent Siasoco, MD, MBA

Editor for Family Affairs Barbara Vartanian DePonte

Editor on Aging & Disabilities Kathleen M. Bishop, Ph.D  

Editor for Public Policy & the Law Vanessa Rastovic. EsQ.

Social Media Jan Badger

Editorial Assistant Crissy Renner

Intern Mayra Salgado

Endorsing Organizations and Liaisons


Matthew Janicki:  janickimp@gmail.com 

Joseph Satchi: joseph@differentbrains.org 

Dr. Mai Pham: mai.pham@ie-care.org 


Dr. Steven Perlman: sperlman@bu.edu

Dr. David Cox: davcox@orangegrove.org

Christy Weir:  cweir@specialolympics.org


Dr. Deborah Weisfuse:

Maggie Nygren: mnygren@aaidd.org

Diane Moore: diane@ddna.org


Doreen Bestolarides,R.N.:



Sharat Pani: sharat.pani@gmail.com

Craig Escude:  Info@ReplacingRisk.com


Theo Braddy, Executive Director: theo@ncil.org

HELEN: The Journal of Human Exceptionality believes and subscribes to a strict policy of using appropriate and respectful language and terms pertinent to the disability community.  On occasion when referring to or citing quotes or content from the articles, we will use the archaic language for historical reference and context.  We also believe that knowledge of the evolution of language contributes to the further appreciation of the disability rights movement. HELEN Journal is the official publication of PAOH or People Advocating for Optimal Health

Helen proudly uses photography from Positive Exposure