Become a Helen Advertiser


Reach an audience of healthcare professionals, caregivers, families, and individuals with IDD


For advertising rates, please contact Jamie Pirowskin.


Three sets of asset dimensions will need to be built into the templates to allow the ad to respond to desktop, tablet and mobile designs.
- 1280px x 250px
- 640px x 250px
- 320px x 250px

File formats that can be used:
- MP4 (video format)
- MOV (video format)
- JPG (static-image format)
- PNG (static-image format)

- 3 max. per creative
- Click trackers must be allocated to individual click-throughs within the ad, should this be required, AdOps must receive a full list of tracking IDs and the relevant assets to which they should be implemented.

Impression Pixels:
- 3 max. per creative

Please be aware:
- Pixels accepted for impression and viewability tracking.
- Helen does not allow the use of data collection pixels.
- Blocking tags and retargeting/ remarketing cookies are not accepted across the AADMD portfolio.
- Ad safety monitoring requirements must be declared at time of booking.
- Tags must be live throughout the duration of the campaign.

Additional Information:
- Sound must be user-initiated
- Video Duration - Recommended: 15s, Maximum: 30s.
- Infinite loop
- Expansion is not permitted under any circumstance

Asset Deadline
Assets must be received 3-5 working days in advance of the campaign start-date to allow for full set-up and testing.

How to Send Your Ad
You may e-mail files to us depending on file size. Maximum size for e-mailing is 10MB. For files over 10MB, use a file sharing app such as Google Drive or WeTranswer.

Questions about ad size or design requirements?

Contact Courtney Fray