Global Health

Where Intellectual and Developmental Disability (IDD) meets the world.

Share your story.

People with IDD, their families, & caregivers across the world all have unique experiences.

Their ability to achieve a high level of wellness and equity of care may depend upon their culture, access to healthcare services and supports, as well as possible ongoing geopolitical challenges that are occurring in their lives. They also may have very interesting personal stories and various activities for which many others would love to hear and learn from.


The AADMD understands the importance of a global reach as well as to help connect across the globe so we all can learn, grow, and support each other. HELEN will now dedicate a section on IDD Global health topics. We will be seeking stories from: IDD advocates, caregivers/carers, healthcare providers, public health, students, organizations that support those with IDD.  


Being able to convey a story that demonstrates the richness of our global diversity and yet at the same still show how we are all in this together will have a great impact upon us all, as we stay the course in pushing forward a positive health agenda.


We want to hear from you. Please submit your article today.


Seth Keller, MD,

Global Health Co-Editor

Vincent Siasoco, MD, MBA,

Global Health Co-Editor

Send your article here: